Scott Lodge no. 421, Grand Valley, hosted a special evening on April 1 2024. Deputy Grand Master R.W. Brother Jamie Ireland with the assistance of Grey District DDGM Carey G.W. Widbur were honored to be on hand for three special presentations.
Friends and family attended and the lodge room was full to capacity for this special night.
V. W. Brother Charles Victor Bryan was presented with his 50 and 60 Year Master Mason Pin as well as the Veteran Jubilee Medal
R. W. Brother Ralph Henry West was presented with his 50 and 60 Year Master Mason Pin and his 50 Year Past Master Pin as well as the Veteran Jubilee Medal
Brother William Albert Bryan was presented with his 50 and 60 Year Master Mason Pin as well as the Veteran Jubilee Medal

Back Row DDGM R.W. Bro. Carey Widbur, DGM R.W. Bro. Jamie Ireland
Front Row V.W. Bro. Charles V. Bryan, R.W. Bro. Ralph H. West & Bro. William A. Bryan